Dear members,

Following the successful launch of Personal Business Coaching Program in 2024, the Aalto MBA Association is excited to continue offering one-to-one personal business coaching sessions for members eager to advance their careers and personal growth. This exclusive opportunity is for members who have paid 2025 membership fee. It is sponsored by the Association and provides eight coaching places with an experienced business coach.

If you are interested to participate in personal coaching sessions, please register via link…. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Program Overview
Each participant will receive:
✔ Three individual coaching sessions (60 minutes each)
✔ Two group meetings – a kick-off meeting and a closing meeting
✔ A highly subsidized fee – members pay only EUR 30 per individual coaching session (EUR 90 total)

Program Details
📍 Coaching Location: Agreed individually – offline and online
🗣 Coaching Language: English, Finnish
📅 Coaching Sessions: March–April 2025 (4 places) and April–May 2025 (4 places)

Meet Your Coach: Virve Hintikka

Virve Hintikka (LinkedIn Profile) is a certified developmental business coach and an Aalto Executive MBA graduate (2019). She brings extensive experience from her previous roles as a Business Area Director at Aalto University Executive Education and HRD Manager at Outokumpu. Her expertise spans leadership development, career growth, and personal transformation.

Best regards,
Aalto MBA Association Board 2025

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Aalto University MBA Association is 740+ community of Aalto MBAs and Executive MBAs that provides easygoing venue for networking and personal development. Association organizes regular, high quality, value adding social events like expert presentations, company visits, coaching sessions and grants annual scholarship. For more information, please check the association’s webpage: