The Annual General Meeting of the Aalto University Alumni Association will be held in accordance with the by-laws of the Association on 12th March 2014.

All MBA Alumni from Aalto University MBA programs, HSE or TKK MBA programs are cordially invited the Annual General Meeting on March 12, 2014 at Messukeskus main office, Messuaukio 1. The AGM will start at 18.15 following the company visit. Voting rights are granted to all paid members of the Association.

Please register HERE.


– Open the meeting
– Elect the chairman
– Elect the secretary for the meeting
– Select two (2) approvers of the minutes and two (2) vote counters
– Confirm the legality and quorum of the meeting
– Presentation of the balance sheet from the previous accounting period
– Presentation of the profit and loss statement from the previous accounting period
– Discharge the Treasurer and auditor from responsibility for the accounts
– Presentation of the action plan for the accounting period for confirmation
– Deciding the membership fees for the accounting period
– Electing the Board members of the Association
– Electing an auditor for the Association
– Handling other matters stated in the invitation and agenda
– Adjourn the meeting

Board nominations

Election of the Board is held at each AGM. If you are interested in more information about being a Board member or would like to nominate a classmate for this important role, please send an email to the Head of the Nominating committee Juha Wiskari  or . Or to learn more about the responsibilities of a Board member, you are welcome to contact us at  or call Barbara Ready, Chair, at 050 567 5050.

Further info

Questions should be sent to  or you are welcome to call Barbara Ready, Chair of the Aalto MBA Alumni Association at 050-567 5050
Barbara Ready-Vakeva

The main office of Messukeskus is the red brick building on the left side of Messuaukio. See instructions here.

Parking: Messukeskus parking garage