Strong winds and light showers in the beginning of the final round of 2015 MBA Alumni Golf Challenge Tour dictated the game to some extent, but despite the hard conditions the eight best  players that had passed the Cut to final round made some amazing results (even for themselves sometimes). Originally there was room for 40 players but only 12 were selected to Friday start list and finally eight made it to Monday round. However finally the Sun shined for all of them and the brightest to Robert Rasmus who came from Great Helsinki Golf Club and showed to the rest how the game is played in The City, winning both series with a margin not usually seen in these games. Great thanks also to Pertti Eskelinen who came from Kouvola in short notice to bring a touch of Eastern style of Finnish MBA Golf to the tournament and Anja Huhtamäki who brought some professional touch to the game and sponsors (Kone) representation.

Thanks to all participants and to those who nearly made the cut … maybe next year.