Personal Business Coaching Program 2025 Is Open – Apply Now!
Dear members, Following the successful launch of Personal Business Coaching Program in 2024, the Aalto MBA Association is excited to continue offering one-to-one personal business coaching sessions for members eager to advance their careers and personal growth. This...
2025 Graduate Business Conference
The Graduate Business Conference, hosted annually by the Graduate Business Forum (GBF) in collaboration with one of our member institutions, is the premier global event for MBA student leaders. The conference provides current student leaders and alumni with valuable...
Annual Letter to Association Members
Dear Aalto MBA Association Member, Aalto University MBA Association is here to support you in professional development and growth. In 2024 we organized five expert events, one company visit, awarded EUR 1000 scholarship to Aalto EE MBA program participant and...
Coaching sessions sponsored by Aalto University MBA Association
The first coaching group has completed its sessions sponsored by Aalto University MBA Association. Feedback from the participants has been overwhelmingly positive with following highlights: 1)👍9.5 score out of 10.0 for coaching experience and 2) 👏9.5 score out of 10.0...
Aalto MBA Association Scholarship 2024 Has Been Awarded
The Aalto MBA Association Scholarship has been awarded yearly to individuals who stand out for their academic achievements, leadership, and dedication to making a difference. This year, the 2024 Scholarship has been awarded to Katariina Ojala (in the picture)....
We are seeking dynamic members to join the Aalto University Association Board in 2025
The Aalto University MBA Association is seeking new dynamic members of Association to join the Association Board in 2025. Board Member position offers you: Experience in managing and developing the Association, that represents a community of over 730 Aalto EE, HSE,...
Save the Dates for Upcoming Exciting Events
Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 17.30-19.00, at Aalto Dipoli campus - Cofounder of IQM Quantum Computers is coming to talk about his journey from being PhD student to founding a company and running a global business Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 17.30-19.00, at Aalto...
Member Survey Results Are Here
We would like to thank our Association members for taking the time to complete the membership survey. The survey results indicate that Association members are seeking opportunities to network and meet own Cohorts, as well as avenues for personal growth and the...
Aalto MBA Association Scholarship Application Is Now Open!
It Is Your Chance to Shine - We have opened the MBA Association Scholarship Application! The Aalto MBA Association is thrilled to invite applications for our prestigious 1000 euro scholarship program, designed to foster the next generation of business leaders. This...
One-to-One Personal Business Coaching Program Was Launched
Aalto University MBA Association launched a One-to-One Business Coaching Program for its members in August. The program caught a lot of interest and now eight (8) participants have been chosen to join and use this amazing opportunity. Due to high interest, the places...
A new board for association has been selected in January 2024 and it has started actively working. Stay tuned for Association Strategy update.
Membership | Aalto University MBA Association...
Company visit to Aidian on the 15th of May 2024
Aalto MBA Association is pleased to invite you for a company visit to Aidian at their premises (Koivu-Mankkaan tie 6 B, 02200 Espoo) where CEO of Aidian will give an overview of the company and its future plans along with visit to their impressive manufacturing...
AFTERWORK “From fear to courage” on the 11th of April 2024
Aalto MBA Association is inviting you for afterwork session "From fear to courage orientation in every encounter and engagement" with Ira Lange, who is an executive coach (PCC), keynote speaker and a founding partner of OK5 Oy Date: Thursday, April 11, 2024 at...
Evli Fund Management Company Visit on the 5th of March 2024
Aalto MBA Association and Evli Fund Management are pleased to invite all alumni members to an afterwork event with Mr. Johannes Halavaara from Evli to discuss How to grow financial wealth. The number of seats is limited. Date: Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 at 17.30-19.00...
hasan & partners company visit on April 7th, 2022
Aalto University MBA Association and hasan & partners are pleased and excited to invite all alumni members to a live company visit to hasan & partners. The event invitation and registration link has been sent to the membership by e-mail. Topic of the event:...
Support Ukraine’s university students
Aalto University is supporting university students from Ukraine by offering at least 40 students a place to study at Aalto free of charge. By donating, you can help students cover their living costs during their studies in Finland. You can donate here:...
Webinar: Growth Hacking by Growth Tribe on March 31st at 19:00!
Online access info will follow by... company virtual visit (end of April)
Come and hear one of the 'hottest startups' in Finland right now! automates every step of social advertising to unlock greater performance and creativity. Dec 2019 ', a company helping advertisers automate their campaigns across Facebook,...
Demos Helsinki visit, October 24th
Interested in fair and sustainable societies programs? Join us at Demos Helsinki! Demos Helsinki is an independent think tank, working together with the public sector, private sector, and NGOs. We want to impact the ongoing global transformations actively and aim to...
Growth Hacking videos by Growth Tribe
Growth Tribe is Europe’s first Growth Academy. Growth Tribe empowers people and companies to rapidly gain new skills in areas such as ‘data-driven growth marketing’ or ‘A.I. without code.
Aalto BIZ Invitational Golf Contest, August 20th
Place: Hirsala Golf Welcome to the traditional golf contest of Aalto University School of Business. The contest takes place at Hirsala Golf starting at 13.00. The green fee is 55€. Register for the contest by August 5, 2019 by sending an email...
Futurice company visit, June 3rd (17:00)
Futurice is a new breed of innovation consultancy with digital at its core. They help their clients unleash innovation through digital product design and build, emerging technology, agile software development and lean organisational change. Presented by Saku...
CANCELLED / POSTPONED Growth Hacking event with Growth Tribe
This event has been cancelled / postponed. Aalto University MBA Association is happy to invite you to a Growth Hacking event with Growth Tribe. Topic: Growth Hacking -- what, how, why? Speaker: Anssi Rantanen, CEO Growth TribeS Anssi has spent the last...
Self Development Event on March 26th
Topic: Accountability 2.0 - making conscious choices in life and work by Jason Staines Many of us chase after a work-life balance but, according to Jason, the whole work-life balance, as we’ve come to know it, is a myth. Instead, the focus should rather be on...
AGM 2019 and JCDecaux Finland visit on February 25th
Aalto University MBA Association is pleased to invite you to its Annual General Meeting. After the AGM, you will hear how JCDecaux' inspiring story that started more than 50 years ago in France with a single bus stop shelter and one paper ad. It is now at the...
Finnair Company visit on January 23rd at 17:00-19:00
Aalto University MBA Association and Finnair cordially invite you to hear about one of the oldest operating airlines in the world. Finnair was as well one of the safest airlines during 2018, according to a recent report. It is also very committed to...
MBA Movie Night on December 12th at 17:00
MBA Association welcomes you to the traditional preChristmas event: Movie night to Riviera Kallio theater - Harjukatu 2, Helsinki on 12th December, kl 17 – 20. Champagne, snacks and great music from The...
Fiskars Company Visit on Monday November 26th at 17:00-19:00
Aalto University MBA Association and Fiskars cordially invite you to hear about: Building digital business drivers and capabilities in a well-estabilshed business environment Date: November 26th 17:00-19:00 Presentation 17:00-18:00 Networking with snacks/drinks...
Upcoming events for the end of 2018
October 24 - Invesdor company visit on October 24th at 17:30 - See separate post of the event details and agenda. November 26 - Digital & Fiskars Group: Building digital business drivers and capabilities for the oldest company in Finland. December 12 - Movie Night...
Invesdor company visit on October 24th at 17:30
Invesdor - Digital platform to enable easy investing to unlisted companies Date: 24th Oct 2018 Time 17:30-19:30 Place: Salomonkatu 17 A Invesdor was selected as the best Fintech startup in the Nordics 2018! The presentation will be about 'Digitalising the funding...
Urban Mill event on September 18 at 17:00-18:30
Topic “Co-working and Co-creation Platform Prototype for Urban Innovations – Entrepreneurial Thought in Action!” Venue Urban Mill, Aalto University campus in Espoo Innovation Garden Urban Mill is a space, a community and a service situated in at the heart of...
Transformation in financial sector by OP on May 16th at 17:00
Aalto University MBA Association and OP cordially invite you to visit the new Op premises in Vallila to hear about how OP has adapted and changed their business activities due to transformation in financial sector. Date: 16.5. Time: 17:00 -19.30 Address: OP...
Cognitive and AI at IBM Helsinki – April 19th 16.00-19.00
Does your business think? IBM Finland’s CEO Mirva Antila will brief you on putting smart to work. Artificial intelligence, cognitive era and robotics are changing the way we work in almost every industry but what does it all really mean? How are companies already now...
Annual General Meeting and Fjord company visit on January 24 at 16:30-19:30
Aalto University MBA Association is pleased to invite you to its Annual General Meeting (agenda is attached). After the AGM, you will hear from Fjord's incredible growth story and the very special role that their Helsinki studio. Design has never been more important...
Is your email up-to-date?
In case you don't receive emails from the Association, your email might be outdated. Please send us your latest email to:
Visit to Fjord (Accenture Interactive ) and AGM on 24.1.2018 at 16.30
MBA Movie Night – Wed Dec 13 at 17:00
Workspace Company Visit on Wed 15.11.
Space Nation Company Visit on October 11 at 17:00
Aalto University MBA Association and Space Nation Ltd cordially invite you to hear from the first free global astronaut training program. Space Nation ranked as #1 of Ten European Growth Businesses to Watch in 2017 by Forbes. The presentation will be followed by time...
Professional Development Event on 11.9. at 16:30
Please make sure you have paid your member fee. Note that members have a received an invitation e-mail with registration details on August 11. The Speakers: Mark Firth, Chairman of The Taplow Group, one of the global TOP 25 Executive Search Companies Ilkka Kivimäki,...
Update 2/2017 has been published
In this second Update for the year, the topics covered include: Greeting from the Board Upcoming Events in Autumn Personal Development event is on Monday September 11 Club Evening with Aalto EE is on Friday September 22 A summary of the BMW event A summary of the OLVI...
The Annual Aalto MBA Golf Tournament will be held on June 15th starting at 13:50
The invitation to the event has been sent by e-mail on May 5th to the members on the mailing list. For details about the event:...
Olvi Company Visit on May 23rd at 17:00
As a reminder, the Olvi Company is on May 23rd:
Update 1/2017 has been published
In this first Update for the year, the topics covered include: AGM and the New Board A summary of the Zoined Company visit A summary of the Ramboll Company visit A listing of the upcoming events and their dates Read the entire Update here. As a notice, the upcoming...
BMW Company Visit May 4th at 17:00
Olvi Company Visit
Aalto University MBA Association and Olvi welcome all MBA Association members to attend Olvi Oyj company visit to learn about the "The Story of Olvi" and "OLVI and LEAN". Place: Olvi, Hämeentie 3 B, 6th floor, 00530 Helsinki Date: 23.5.2017 Official program:...
Events for 2017 and Membership Fee for the Year is 40 €
The planned events for the year as of now and subject to change are: May 4: BMW Event - Details and invitations will be sent out shortly May 23: Olvi Company Visit - Invitations have been sent out to members on April 4 June 15: MBA Association Golf Tournament -...
Update 04/2016 has been published
In this fourth Update for the year, the topics covered include: Greetings from the board Association Survey A summary of the Wine Tasting Event at Wine Server The learnings from the Change Management in the Military - Event A summary of the GE Healthcare Company Visit...
Upcoming events: Wine Tasting, GE-Health Company visit and Christmas Glögi
We would like to remind of these upcoming events: Wine Tasting Evening: October 13, 2016 Great wine, good stories and wonderful people - What else can you want? At this moment the event is fully booked, however, please make a reservation if you wish to have an...
Update 03/2016 has been published
In this third Update for the year, the topics covered include: Golf Challenge Tournament results A summary of the hugely popular Personal Development event "Get Noticed - Develop Your Personal Branding" An article reflecting on how privileged we are and in what a...
Visit to Military forces – Change management
Experience change Management in Military Forces through this exceptional visit and lecture by professor Aki-Mauri Huhtinen On 21st September, MBA alumni has organized a visit to Taistelukoulu(battle school). Visit will comprise of visit to Lotta museum, followed by...
Update 02/2016 has been published
In this second Update for the year, the topics covered include: Benjamin Graham: The Father of Value Investing Always Available - Never present A summary of the company visit to Mercuri Urval in May Information on future upcoming events for the end of the year 2016....
Upcoming Alumni Events
We are adding the Events in the Calendar section of this website as soon as we know they are likely to happen. We have had really interesting high-level visits to ABB and Neste this year. ABB's Managing Director gave a fascinating presentation about the leadership...
Alumni Update 01/2016 has been published
Read the entire Update here.
New Alumni Board
The Boardmembers for 2016 are Hanna Komusaari (Chair) Jaakko Jauhiainen (Vice Chair) Tarvo Viita-Aho (Treasurer) Elina Karjalainen (Secretary) Kullah Anderson Piia Heikkilä Helena Tadinen Antti Heiskanen Juha Wiskari Sankalp Ahuja
Welcome to Neste Company Visit
Aalto University MBA Alumni Association and Neste Oyj welcome all MBA Alumni to attend a Neste Company Visit "Renewal of Neste", by Kaisa Hietala. Time: Monday 29th February 2016 at 17-19.30 Location: Neste, Keilaranta 21, Espoo Timetable 17.00-17.15 Greeting the...
Annual General Meeting 2016
The Board welcomes all alumni to our Annual General Meeting, to be held January 21st at 16:00-17:00. The meeting takes place in ABB Tellus Building in Pitäjämäki. After the meeting, we will have ABB Company presentation (invitations to this Visit with registration...
Alumni MBA Association participates the Heureka Tiedekummi Program
We have been blessed with a good education. With current cutbacks, strikes and unemployment, the Board wants to highlight the importance of education, science, positive thinking and some fun in the Finnish schools. We decided to sponsor one Helsinki area elementary...
MBA Alumni Update 04/2015 Is published
People, Seeing, Emotions and Change by Jaakko Jauhiainen The Networking Best Practices, part 2 by Barbara Ready-Väkevä 2015 Event Feedback Summary MBA Alumni Board's Christmas Present - Heureka Tiedekummi Merry Christmas and Successful New Year 2016! Read the...
Welcome to ABB Company Visit
Aalto University MBA Alumni Association and ABB Finland are proud to invite all alumni members to our top-of-the edge company visit to ABB. Date: Thursday 21st January 2016 Time: 17:00-19:30 Place: Tellus building, Valimopolku 4, Helsinki Agenda: 17.00-17.15 Greeting...
MBA Alumni Christmas Networking Party
Welcome all to have some glögi, meet friends and colleagues and find new ones. The event is free in form. Drop in after work or stay longer to chat and network. Date: December 7th at 17-19 Place: Arkadia International Bookstore, Nervanderinkatu 11, 00100 Helsinki We...
Invitations are now out for Kone Company Visit
Place: Kone People Flow Center Hissikatu 11 Hyvinkää Date: 11.11.2015 Official program: 17.00-17.15 Greeting the attendees 17.15-17.45 Key note presentation Jussi Herlin, Kone 18.00 -18:45 R&D presentation Samu Salmelin -> continues in People flow show area...
Thank you for attending the Jolla event
MBAs from the HSE/Aalto MBA Association recently had the opportunity to engage with a Jolla leader, Stefano Mosconi. Stefano's presentation centered on purpose, "Building Jolla: The importance of Purpose". In his presentation he took us - retrospectively - through...
MBA Alumni Update 03/2015 has been published
Dear Fellow Alumni, our latest Alumni Update has been published. The contents is:
The Value of Networking, part 1 of 2 by Barbara Ready-Väkevä
Professional Development Event in August was a success by Piia Heikkilä
Information on Upcoming Events
Click here to read the Update
Join now and save 50 % of the 2015 membership fee
All new members joining the MBA Alumni Association in September of October, get 50 % off for the 2015 annual membership fee. The fee is 20 e (10 e for students) for the rest of 2015. We have great events coming up in the fall. To join, send email to .
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company Visit
Time: Monday 19th Oct. 2015 , 17:00 Location: Ilmarinen, Porkkalankatu1, Helsinki Agenda: 17.00-17.15 Greeting the attendees 17.15-18.00 Market outlook form a pension investor´s point of view by Timo Ritakallio, Ilmarinen, Q&A 18-19.30 Refreshments and networking...
Company Event “Building Jolla: the importance of purpose”
Aalto University MBA Alumni Association members* are cordially invited to an inspiring event where we will welcome our keynote speaker, Stefano Mosconi, CTO of Jolla Oy, and embark on an intense retrospective and learn insights from one of Finland's most daring...
Alumni Update 2/2015 has been published
Greetings from the MBA Alumni Association Chairman Article by Pia Rautakorpi: Function for implementing strategy Alumni Event Update Professional Development Event in August Read the entire Update...
Best Midsummer Wishes from the MBA Alumni Board
We hope to see you all refreshed and full of energy after the holidays! Aalto University MBA Alumni Association Board...
MBA Golf Challenge 2015 Kytäjä
Strong winds and light showers in the beginning of the final round of 2015 MBA Alumni Golf Challenge Tour dictated the game to some extent, but despite the hard conditions the eight best players that had passed the Cut to final round made some amazing results (even...
Professional Development Event in August
Aalto University MBA Alumni Association warmly welcomes you to our Professional Development Event 20th of August, 2015 at 16:30 An inspiring event in self-awareness, the human brain and how to make better decisions and become more influential This event, led by...
Welcome to Aalto MBA Cohort Event
Aalto EE and Aalto University MBA Alumni Association Board arrange Aalto MBA Cohort Event on May 5, 2015 at 16:00 - 18:15. Come meet old MBA class friends and colleagues and hear presentation from Dr. Pekka Mattila about Managing ups and downs of the executive career....
Nordea and Kasvu Open – Register Now!
Event invitation - Nordea and Kasvu Open: Coaching Small Businesses for Growth on April 8 Aalto University MBA Alumni Association Board and Nordea Bank Finland cordially invite the MBA Alumni to a joint event with Kasvu Open, a national initiative to coach and boost...
Alumni Association Newsletter 01/2015 has been published
The first newsletter of the year has been published. Read all about the new board, career links and much more.
Professional Development Links
And here are some useful professional development links
List of career-related links
by Kullah Anderson At some point in time we may have been faced with a career choice or career change. This change or choice may not have come from the “best of places” or the circumstances surrounding it been the most “positive”. The choice or change can, depending...
Company visit to Veikkaus
Veikkaus is also running Finland's largest consumer web shop. Antti Tiihonen, VP in Digital Sales, will tell how e-commerce is run here and now and what will be happening in the future. Please note that the presentation will be in Finnish. More information...
Roaring 20s Gala
This year we will be having a ball. The MBA Speakeasy will be open at Katajanokan Kasino from 6pm to midnight on Friday, May 23. So come dressed in your most GLAMOROUS 1920s attire
The Annual General Meeting will be held on 12th March 2014
The Annual General Meeting of the Aalto University Alumni Association will be held in accordance with the by-laws of the Association on 12th March 2014.