Aalto University MBA Association and Space Nation Ltd cordially invite you to hear from the first free global astronaut training program. Space Nation ranked as #1 of Ten European Growth Businesses to Watch in 2017 by Forbes.
The presentation will be followed by time for questions and discussion as well as networking. We also have some refreshments.
Date and Place:
Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 from 17.00 to 19.00
Spacenation Ltd
Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6, 00100 Helsinki
Program Timetable:
17.00 -17.15 Registration and opening words
17.15 -17.35 “Space Nation and First Free Astronaut Training Program”, Aurelia Lorents, Global Partner Manager and Salla Hänninen, PR and Communications Manager
Questions, Discussion & Networking
Register now to ensure your place, we can only take 25 participants. Deadline for registration is 9th of October. Registration links have been sent by e-mail to the membership.
About Spacenation Ltd:
The Space Nation Astronaut Program turns your smartphone into a ticket to the stars. It’s the first free global astronaut training program. Anyone with a mobile device can take part.
Each year we aim to send one Space Nation Astronaut Program trainee on a mission to space.
This is a giant leap in making the universal dream of space travel accessible to everyone.
It’s time to unearth your full potential. The Space Nation Astronaut Program will be launched in February 2018.